Chinese Sweetie Belle

Chinese Sweetie Belle is a chinese counterpart of Sweetie Belle and the character from Caillou and Dora's Friends.


Rattlesnake Jake exhibits significant anti-social behaviors: he is cruel and vicious; he is mostly seen using violence to threaten others, and shows no mercy to his victims.

Unlike a common mercenary, who kills people only for cash, Jake is sadistic and loves his job. He seems to derive pleasure from instilling fear in those around him and causing violence. During the scene in which Beans is being made to give up her ranch, Mayor John calls upon Jake to persuade her into signing the papers. Instead of simply pushing the woman to signing, Jake immediately takes her up into his coils, laughing and taunting her. Mayor John objects to this treatment, but Jake does not care. After she objects to signing the papers, Jake happily offers Beans a descriptive account of how he's going to squeeze her until her eyes pop out.

As a badass western gunslinger, Jake has also a strong sense of honor and shows respect towards fighters he considers skilled and brave enough to compete with him. In fact, when Rango saves the town of Dirt using "just one bullet", Jake considers him a legend and shows him mutual respect.

It can be inferred that Jake possesses effective information gathering skills. When he met Rango for the first time, he knew all about the stories Rango told to make himself famous, including the lies he told about Jake and himself being brothers. He was also able to quickly deduce that Rango cares most about Beans and Priscilla, using them as levy to scare Rango.



